
Artvin State Highway Construction Turkey

The 23 km on the Artvin - Ardahan State Highway, which was constructed by ERG in accordance with the protocol signed between the General Directorate of Highways and the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works for the construction of the roads affected by the dams constructed on the Çoruh Basin, was started in January 1998, completed in October 2000 and transferred to the General Directorate of Highways after final acceptance on 30.07.2003. 

Artvin State Highway Construction

Again, with the approval of the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources dated 24.01.2005, Artvin - Erzurum, Artvin - Ardahan and Artvin - Ardahan roads, which were included in the scope of Deriner Dam and HEPP Facilities Construction, were transferred to the General Directorate of Highways. 

The projects of approximately 36 km of Ardanuç Roads were prepared by us and within this scope, 2,381,000 m3 of open excavation and 247,993.29 m3 of tunnel excavation were carried out. 

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